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Sadaf Herbals




This site can provide you with some essential information on faster hair growth and maintenance. It is an innate desire of human beings to look attractive regardless of the they have. Each ethnic race has its own standards of beautiful hair.

Mere presence of some beautiful hair strands on the scalp is of not much significance if not with coupled with some healthy and voluminous hair to match. You can have both the beauty and quantity if you follow some faster hair growth tips.

Growth of healthy hair largely depends on its normal healthy functioning and structure. The hair structure is divided into two parts – the non living part that is projected out of the skin of the scalp and the other living part, that remains buried inside the scalp skin. Both hair parts have various functions to perform, besides being an integral component of the hair growth cycles.

Alteration in the normal cyclical process of hair growth is one of the main causes of hair loss. The factors that affect the normal hair growth cycle are hormonal imbalance and genetics.

Though it is hard to take care of the above two factors of hair loss, it is essential for you to keep your hair clean and healthy with the use of well-formulated cleansers and conditioners. To ensure faster hair growth proper intake of nutritional supplements and natural hair care is essential.

Healthy and faster hair growth not only helps you to look beautiful, it helps you to tie them to good hair styling. Here is an interesting opportunity for trying the hair styling tips. You can also imitate the hair styles of some famous Hollywood celebrities.

Apart from imitating the hair styles of celebrities follow the natural hair care tips and discover the secrets of faster hair growth for beautifully shining hair. The hair information presented in the web pages is sure to help you in taking proper care of your hair, promote faster hair growth and also give you the opportunity to the follow the trendy hair style.

See what useful information the following sections have to offer you to help you in hair care and hair maintenance:




Variations in hair growth:


There are several variations in the hair growth pattern of people all over the world. There can also be differences in the normal hair growth rate due to various climatic conditions.

In spite of all the differences and variations; beautiful hair has much significance for the human race both in the context of society and the self esteem.

Beautiful hair enhances your appearance which plays a major role in creating your image, personality and confidence. Good looks or image to a great extent help in paving the way for success in most spheres of life.

It is quite natural for us to be sensitive as far as the beauty and health of our hair growth is concerned, no matter to what ever is the pattern of our hair types.



Hair Physiology:


A normal and healthy hair growth system is largely dependant on the structure and functions of hair fiber. Hair fiber is a much more complicated and significant structure than it appears to be and it is a part of an equally complex hair growth system. It is also the only portion of the body that is completely renewable without scarring. Other than its flexibility, hair fiber and hair follicles transmit sensory information and their growth also help in gender differentiation.

These are some of the practical functionalities of the hair growth system which are generally over looked. People are generally concerned either with the rate of hair growth or with the condition of the overall hair fibers; as these factors help to enhance the appearance of the individual.

And it is for the same reason that there is a growing popularity of hair care products. Using these hair care products is not enough. If you want to make your hair healthy and bouncing, the best hair care strategy is to use natural hair care products along with the intake of natural nutritious supplements and natural herbal supplements.

Natural supplements are beneficial for hair, but in order to heal already damaged hair you need to identify the particular deficiency and then take steps to promote healthy hair re-growth. The hair deficiency can either be in the hair shaft, the hair follicle structure or in some other part of hair growth system of cycling. You may need to examine all parts to determine a hair growth problem for which it may be best to visit a dermatologist.

The hair shaft or fiber is the portion of the hair that projects out of the skin of the scalp. Healthy hair shafts enhance the volume, color and shine of the hair. So the first step to promote healthy hair shaft growth is to be knowledgeable about the structure and the functions of each shaft parts and verify the same with the conditions of the fiber or shaft.

Around and beneath the hair shaft in the skin the hair follicle sits and controls the growth of the hair fiber. Hair follicles are surrounded by an intricate network of blood vessels which supply the required nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicle. The extended mechanism that is going on beneath the hair follicles is responsible for the hair growth from deep inside the skin. So in order to identify any problem of hair growth, it is necessary to study the mechanism and structure of the hair follicles.

Another factor that affects the hair growth system of an individual is the cyclical process of hair re-growth. The malfunctioning of the hair growth cycles can lead to sudden appearance of bald patches or even hair thinning in women. These hair growth cycles also determine the length of hair of an individual.

Apart from the affected hair shaft or follicle there are other factors like genetics that can cause hair loss at an alarming rate. To promote healthy hair growth it is first necessary to diagnose the portion of hair that is being affected and then to find out the underlying cause associated with it.




Hair Loss causes:


The common hair loss causes are several like stress, infectious diseases, lack of nutritional supplements, use of harmful synthetic hair care products and so on. Physicians around the world are taking a closer look at hair loss causes and thinning and prescribing the hair loss treatments and medications that are more successful in treating the respective hair problems. But not every type of hair loss is subject to treatment as the normal shedding of hair is necessary for the cyclical process of hair re-growth.

Normal hair shedding can be divided under two broad categories. One of the normal hair shedding procedures involves randomly loosing some hair after reaching the telogen phase of the hair growth cycles. According to researchers it is absolutely normal to shed about 100 hairs each day.

The other normal cause of more hair shedding is an increase in age. It is quite normal to loose more and more hair with increasing age, but when some men and women start loosing hair at an early age it is a sure sign of concern. The cause of such premature hair loss is attributed to pattern baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia.

In general, men are more prone to pattern baldness when compared to women. But women are also at risk of developing hair loss. Though the pattern baldness or Androgenetic hair loss is more evident in men due to more hair loss in frontal hair line, women are prone to pattern hair loss that is manifested by thinning all over the scalp. Though the numbers of men and women suffering from pattern hair loss is different, the mechanism of premature hair loss or pattern baldness is similar.

The main reason of premature hair loss both in men as well as women is genetics, while for women, hormonal imbalance is the major cause for hair loss during pregnancy and menopause.

Apart from genetics and hormonal imbalance, the other common reasons of premature hair loss in both the genders are medications, sudden illness, therapies or major surgeries.

Whatever the reasons may be, if you notice a major negative change in the shedding of the hair then see a doctor. But beware of a number of quacks who try to make money playing with the emotions of hapless sufferers, try to consult a trusted dermatologist.




Hair care remedies

Applying the right hair care products (shampoos, cleansers, nourishers) and taking adequate herbal and dietary nutrition are some of the essential hair care remedies for healthy hair growth. The dietary and herbal nutrition not only takes care of the healthy functioning of the body but also heals minor and major hair problems.

Herbal nutrition is popular as a natural hair care remedy. Traditional age-old herbal supplements have created hope not only among ailment sufferers, but also among healthy people who frequently use it for their general well-being. The increasing success of the herbal remedies lies in the fact that they, rather than attempting to suppress the symptoms, enhance the natural healing mechanisms of the body to tackle the problem at the root.

But intake of herbal supplements alone is not enough for healthy hair growth. You also need to take all natural diet supplements , to provide adequate nutrition to cells of the dermal papilla at the root of the hair follicle to remain in an active growth phase. Roots are the living parts of the hair and so the supply of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements cannot be overlooked.

Besides nutritious diet intake, healthy hair needs regular cleansing and conditioning to remove dirt and sebum which affect the health of hair by getting struck and closing the pores. They need external help to be stripped off. While cleansing or conditioning, it is better to use the useful natural based professional hair care products available in the market. Studies have confirmed that herbal and natural cleansers and nourishers are the best form of hair care and hair growth products needed for healthy hair.

There is an increasing popularity of such hair cleansers and nourishers. The reason of the increasing popularity lies with the fact that many people prefer not to apply harmful chemicals on their hair. These hair care remedies are effective in treating various hair problems other than providing a soothing effect on the scalp.

All these useful products and supplements have not only demonstrated their effectiveness by preventing hair loss, but they also reversed the hair loss causes and promoted hair growth. The most advantageous factor of these natural hair care remedies is that they are devoid of any side effects used according to the recommended procedure.

So take up the suitable hair care remedies and have hair which is ever shining and beautiful.


Home > Hair Nutrition > Natural Herbal Supplements

Herbal nutrition for hair

Herbal nutritional supplements have received increased popularity now more than ever before. People are more interested in herbal remedies, rather than conventional medication, for curing various diseases and for taking care of their general well-being.

Numerous successful studies have been performed examining the benefits of the herbal extracts. Herbal nutrition along with natural diet supplements results not only in healthy body functions, but also in the enhancement of normal hair growth.

Significance of herbal nutrition in the overall health

These herbal supplements take care of the overall functions of the body. Apart from enhancing memory and sleep, the herbal supplements strengthen hair follicles to ensure maximum hair growth. Also, they cleanse the body systems and are the best treatment for hormone regulation, which is extremely necessary for normal hair growth.

Another important benefit of herbal nutrition is its maximum safety to overall body functions. The side effects of the nutritional herbal supplements are almost negligible provided you are aware of the right quantities and adequate form of usage.

Sources of herbal nutrition

The various sources of natural herbal nutrition beneficial for hair growth are:

  • Wild Yam root


  • Saw Palmetto


  • Stinging Nettle


  • Lycium

Wild yam root as herbal remedy for hair loss

Wild yam root (Dioscorea villosa), is also called China root, Mexican yam, and colic root. Wild yam root is largely available in the market in the form of dried roots, liquid, capsules, or even in solution. Other than treating various illnesses related to women and gall bladder problems, wild yam root can play a major role in hair growth. It balances the production of hormones which is very important for normal hair growth.

But this herbal remedy for hair loss requires some precautionary measures which are very necessary for healthy functioning of the body. The intake of the root is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding mothers. It is also not recommended for children or men.

Saw Palmetto as herbal nutrition in hair loss

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulata) is an important herbal nutrition used for treating hair loss and other serious diseases. It controls hair loss by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. It is the enzyme responsible for excess production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) the major cause of hair loss. It also blocks the receptor sites of cell membranes, thus preventing absorption of DHT.

Studies have shown that saw palmetto acts on a similar level as that of finasteride, a drug advised for the control of DHT. But unlike finasteride it doesn’t have any serious side effects like fast heart beat, headaches etc. Other than preventing male pattern of baldness saw palmetto also improves the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). The symptoms of BPH are evident in nighttime urination, urinary flow etc. Because saw palmetto works like finasteride, pregnant women should not use the treatment.

Stinging nettle as herbal remedy for hair loss

Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) is a most beneficial herbal remedy for hair loss. It prevents the formation of DHT, the root cause of hair loss. According to researchers, stinging nettle with pygeum herbs is most effective. These two herbs prevent the enzyme 5a-reductase and aromatase to form DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and estrogens respectively that are responsible for hair growth.

Also they recommend nettle intake in high concentration combined with pygeum herbs in low doses. Apart from treating hair loss stinging nettle prevents other major diseases like benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), asthma, arthritis, kidney and urinary tract infections.

Lycium as herbal remedy for hair loss

Lycium (Lycium barbarum), a Chinese herb, also called Wolfberry fruit, Lycium fruit, and Chinese Lycium, It is a effective herbal remedy for hair loss. The herb is important for the healthy hair growth, and proper functioning of liver and kidneys. It improves vision and is effective in mild diabetic patients. Lycium fruit contains all the beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals, beta carotene, polysaccharides and amino acids.

Herbs are beneficial for hair provided they are taken in a disciplined way. There is no over night remedy for hair loss, but if a herbal hair care regimen is followed in a disciplined way you may be amazed by its positive effects.

With regular use you can notice the difference in the thickness, volume and shine of your hair as herbal remedies not only stimulate hair growth but increase blood circulation, and act as a disinfectant on the scalp.

Choose the required herbal nutritional supplements and take advantage of their beneficial effects on your hair!



1. Part your hair and apply oil all over the scalp
2. Massage the scalp gently with fingers in a circular motion, so that the oil gets absorbed into the scalp, gradually
3. Leave for an hour or more before washing with an Himalaya Ayurvedic Concepts’ cleansing shampoo

Herbal revitalizing hair oil Information

Nourishes hair with Natural Proteins to prevent hair loss. Promotes hair growth. A light and non-sticky herbal oil that deep penetrates into the scalp to nourish hair roots. Thistles and Indian Gooseberry promote hair growth while Fenugreek and Chickpea nourish hair with Natural Proteins to prevent hair loss. Neem and Bael Tree effectively control scalp itching.

Massaging of hair & scalp with a proper nutrient hair oil gives additional nutrition to the scalp and prevents hair loss. Massaging also increases the blood circulation in the scalp & this keeps the hair roots strong.





Hair Loss:


Hair loss, alopecia, thinning of hair and balding are some of the common hair problems. Many of us suffer from these ailments due to our modern lifestyle and diet. Ayurveda can be very beneficial in treating these conditions as it investigates the root cause of the problem. First understand the ayurveda body types and then the causes for these hair conditions:


Excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the chief cause of hair problems. Pitta is increased by excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and excessive smoking. Pitta is also aggravated by eating too much fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods.



Hair Loss Causes

There are many things that aggravate the problem of hair loss. The major ones are:

  • Stress is the root cause of any problem and the hair loss problem is also associated with stress.
  • Severe or prolonged illness of about 2 to 3 months. Any major surgery also leads to hair loss.
  • Hair loss also occurs because of disbalance in harmones. Like overactive or underactive thyroid glands leads to hair fall. If any male or female harmones such as androgens or estrogens are out of balance the the hair fall occurs.
  • Baby’s delivery in mother also leads to hair loss.
  • Intake of strong medicines causes hair loss.
  • Major hair loss occurs because of some fungal infection and diabetes.



Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss

As per ayurvedic hair loss treatment, hair are considered as a byproduct for bone formation. So the tissues from which the bones are formed causes the growth of your hair. People who have straight and blonde hair will face the hair loss problem more than others. Also graying of hair in these people will be sooner than the people having thick and coarse hair.

In ayurvedic hair loss treatment different things like herbs, yoga, meditation, yoga, balanced diet, and oil massage are combined to give the positive result.


  • The first step is to locate the root cause in your diet or lifestyle that may be increasing the Pitta dosha. Once you locate it, try to give up or at least reduce the diet, habit, or activity responsible for increasing Pitta.



Massage for Ayurveda Hair Loss Treatment

  • Always use a natural shampoo or soap to clean the hair. As most soaps and shampoos have chemicals, they might be the cause of your problem. Usually the chemicals have a heating effect, and increase Pitta locally. Amala (embilica officinalis), Shikakai (Acacia concinna) are very commonly used in India for washing the hair.
  • Oiling and massaging of scalp is very beneficial for stopping the hair loss. Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week. Certain medicated oils like ‘Mahabhringraj oil’, ‘Amala oil’, and ‘Arnica oil’ are very useful. Put oil on the scalp, and massage gently in the roots of the hair.
  • Rub your scalp vigorously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation, and activates the sebaceous glands. Take the oil that contains vitamin E. Vitamin E prevents the hair fall and reduces the brittleness of hair and also cure the dry and flaky skin.
  • Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good.
  • Washing the hair with a paste of cooked Urad dal (black beans) and fenugreek (methi) 2-3 times a week, is also good.
  • A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair growth. A paste of seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.




Therapeutic Uses:

  • Divya Kesh Tail is like nectar for your hair; it cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc. By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious.
  • As Divya Kesh Tail is prepared with many celestial herbs, it also strengthens your eyes & brain, as well as cools the brain.
  • Divya Kesh Tail is also useful in headache & different types of head-diseases.

Mode of Administration:
Apply it to the hair roots, massage well. To have more effect it should not be washed out.



Hair Re-growth Theory :

Hair follicles can get cured with Sanjivani Forte Herbal Hair Oil. Hair follicles of Stage 1 get cured and are activated within 40 to 60 days of use of Sanjivani Forte Herbal Hair Oil. The new hairs sprouting are very thin and silky which gradually grow to the matured firmness and full colour of the original hair type due to fully developed and cured hair follicles.

The upgrading of the remaining destroyed hair follicles follows with continual treatment with the oil, i.e. the 10% destroyed hair follicles are upgraded to Stage 1 and 20% destroyed hair follicles recover to 10% recovery stage and so on in all the stages.