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Sadaf Herbals


Sadaf Herbal Hair Oil

3.00 2.00

How to Apply Sanjivani Oil :

  • Shake well properly before use.
  • Hairs and scalp should be properly dried before application.
  • Use the oil according to your scalp requirement only. ( Not in excess, nor too little but moderately & evenly )
  • 100 ml bottle lasts at least 3 months & up to 5 months maximum according to individual requirements.
  • Inspect your bald scalp daily before application.
  • Use the oil twice a day in the morning and at night regularly without fail.
  • Take 1-2 drops each on 1st and 2nd fingertips and apply on scalp. Again take 1-2 drops and apply till the whole affected scalp is covered properly.
  • Then gently massage with gentle fingertips for 30 sec. to 1 minute during applications. (Do not rub vigorously)

Product Description

Sanjivani Forte Herbal Hair Oil :

The Sanjivani Forte Herbal Hair Oil is a unique formula compounded according to the ancient principles of Ayurveda. It is offered to people with bald scalp conditions by Admark Pharma known for its ground-breaking formulas for curative medicines and healthcare compositions.

This wonder product is supported by testimony of actual users who have benefited from its use, and whose personal health, confidence and social life have improved. Sanjivani Forte acts on weak or dead hair follicles giving them a new life all their own. Its effect ranges from unbelievably rapid to slow, depending on the state of baldness.

How Hair will Grow Again with Sanjivani Oil :

Sanjivani Oil contains highly potent Ayurvedic medicine that is harmless to the scalp and existing hair, but simultaneously works on the location of the dead follicles, thus reactivating them by stimulating the generation of natural protein or Keratin. Its prolonged use is indicated only in severe conditions or cases of complete baldness.

A shiny and slippery bald pate is scalp whose epidermis is considered like ‘steel’, when it is known to possess impenetrability, i.e. having the passages for hair growth completely closed—so that growth of hair from the follicles neither find any channel to extend itself in growth, nor allow medicine to probe and enter the dermis.

The neighboring hair bearing follicles whose holes or passages are wide enough pass the medicine on to the dead hair follicles whose passage is closed, but whose subcutaneous link with neighboring follicles is accessible. This is the subcutaneous route the medicine takes to reach the dead hair follicles.

New hair growth eventually occurs as the follicles get activated. But it takes time for fine silky hair to have strength enough to penetrate the steel like scalp from inside the dermis.

The hairs that have gone first come last and hair gone last come first—is the order in which hair re-growth occurs. It must be remembered that one must not wet the whole head with oil but wet the fingertips in a few drops of Sanjivani Oil and gently massage the scalp with the fingertips.


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